In the introductory semesters, the curriculum of the Department covers a wide range of general background scientific courses that provide students with a strong theoretical and applied education for the development of targeted and specialized knowledge in maritime entrepreneurship, port management and supply chain. From the second and mainly from the third semester onwards, the courses are specialized and focus respectively on the deepening of the cognitive subject of studies of the Department.
Undergraduate Studies
Courses Per Semester
1st Semester
Business Organization and Management
The aim of the course is to help students to:
- Present to the students the main theoretical knowledge in modern Business Administration
- Orient them to the business correlation “Organization – Organizational Environment” and to the important dimensions, both of the organizational-functional structural, and of the administrative functions of the “Organizational-Administrative becoming”.
Elements of Civil Law
The aim of the course is to help students to:
- Know the meaning of law and its basic distinctions (Private Law-Public Law).
- Delve into the key points-axes of Civil Law
- Understand related branches of Civil Law.
Fundamental Principles of Shipping and Ports
The aim of the course is to help students to:
- The aim of the course is to help students to:
- Understand the advantages and disadvantages of maritime transport over other methods of transport.
- Develop skills of systematic analysis of issues related to the shipping and port markets
Introduction to Microeconomics
The aim of the course is to help students to:
- Present the main basic theoretical concepts of economics needed for the understanding of the operation of markets.
- Handle the basic conceptual, methodological and technical tools of economic analysis.
Mathematics for Economics and Business Management
The aim of the course is to help students to:
- Use mathematical methods to solve problems related to business decisions.
- Know the basic mathematical thinking so that they are capable to deal with financial problems and easily find ways to deal with them.
- Handle the basic conceptual, methodological and technical tools of Economic Mathematics and experiment with applications in the laboratory using mathematical programs e.g. Matlab, Excel.
- Understand how to build, solve and use a financial problem.
2nd Semester
Financial Accounting
The aim of the course is to help students to:
- Understand the role of Accounting
- Explain the objective purpose of financial information, the structural elements of financial statements and related accounting assumptions and principles.
- Interpret accounting terminology, analyse, classify and record business transactions in a handwritten accounting environment, with emphasis on understanding the accounting circuit and the preparation of financial statements.
- Identify and complete the registration documents, and record their information in the Calendars, update the logbooks and compile the Balances.
The aim of the course is to help students to:
- Use IT technologies to arrange and achieve collaborative and business decisions.
- Handle the basic methodological and technical tools for managing and storing information using programs e.g. MySql, Excel, etc..
- Understand how to build, manage, organize and present information online using integrated systems such as WordPress, etc.
- Know the basic principles of communication and data networks.
- Get acquainted with the basic information systems and the corresponding supported services in the Shipping industry.
- Know the basics that govern the operation of information systems and navigation in a modern ship
The aim of the course is to help students to:
- Get acquainted with the basic economic laws and mechanisms that govern the financial system and get acquainted with the problems that arise from its operation as well as the ways to deal with them.
- They handle the basic conceptual, methodological and technical tools of macroeconomic analysis.
- Understand how to build, solve and use an economic model.
The aim of the course is to help students to:
- Learn the basic tools of statistical analysis..
- Understand and distinguish each problem according to its form..
- Be able to do statistical data analysis.
- To be able to understand the statistical model and its parameters.
- Learn to use statistical packages such as R or SPSS.
Transport Economics
The aim of the course is to help students to:
- Get to know the basic concepts and relationships of transport economy.
- Familiarize themselves with the ways of applying economic theory in the field of transport. – Investigate both the operation of each medium in the transport market and the transport infrastructure.
- Get to know the key features of the transport and shipping sector.
- Possess the necessary scientific background for the economic analysis of transport systems.
- Improve the ability to systematically analyze specialized transport issues.
3rd Semester
History of International Relations, 19th-20th century
The aim of the course is to help students to:
- They know the basic developments in the international system during the Industrial Age, from the last quarter of the 19th century (imperialism, world wars, Cold War, decolonization, European unification)
- Understand the impact of economic developments on the international system, in particular their role in shaping the western world
- Gain basic knowledge of global geography, especially in international matters related to maritime power and maritime trade routes
International Maritime Law
The aim of the course is to help students to:
- Understand the legal framework that determines the operation of ships and shipping companies in the national and international environment.
- Get to know the main legal issues concerning ships (issues of ownership, operation, crews, charters).
Managerial Accounting
The aim of the course is to help students to:
- Understand the contribution of Management Accounting in decision making.
- Identify the information needed to obtain different problems on a case by case basis.
- Apply decision-making methods based on cost-benefit analysis.
Maritime Economics
The aim of the course is to help students to:
- Introduce the basic concepts of Maritime Science and especially its Economics.
- Data and reports related to the shipping markets are processed.
- Delve into the main shipping markets.
- Understand the functions of International Maritime Trade, based on the fact that shipping plays a leading role.
- Understand the production costs of shipping services and their pricing policies.
Port Organization and Management
The aim of the course is to help students to:
- The principles of modern port system organization and management and how the port industry has evolved in the context of the international environment and the changing trends in transport, trad and logistics.
- The parameters determining the organization of modern ports and the provision of port services.
- The principles of port management and governance of the of the Greek port system as well as the European port system.
4th Semester
Organization and Management of Shipping Companies
The aim of the course is to help students with:
- The principles of modern management of shipping enterprises in an extremely changed international environment.
- The parameters determining the organization of modern shipping enterprises.
- The principles of “Organization – Organizational Environment” in the Shipping industry.
Port Economics
The aim of the course is to help students to:
- Gain the basics for understanding the particular characteristics of the port industry.
- Understand the economic parameters that determine the organization of a port.
- Develop the ability to systematically analyse specialized issues in the port industry.
Quantitative Methods
The aim of the course is to help students to:
- Use mathematical methods to solve problems related to business decisions in relation to Ports and Shipping.
- Introduce and train them in the required material using analytical and computational methods.
- Use the tools for the control and evaluation of econometric models and the making of forecasts in terms of Ports and Shipping.
- Understand the necessary knowledge and techniques that allow economic phenomena researchers to quantify and evaluate with statistical methods the economic relationships that govern the operation of economic, port, shipping units and markets.
Supply Chain Management
The aim of the course is to help students to:
- Understand key concepts and tools used in modern Supply Chain Management.
- Understand the issues that arise during the supply chain management such as the planning, design and operational needs of transport systems.
- Get to know the concepts of intermodal and multimodal chains.
World History, Maritime Trade and International Politics
The aim of the course is to help students to:
- Comprehend the main developments and dimensions of modern maritime history.
- Explain the development of maritime business from the postwar years until the beginning of the 21st century.
- Comprehend the ways through which important historical developments and global institutions in their strong correlations have shaped modern international politics.
5th Semester
Financial Management
The aim of the course is to help students to:
- Understand and utilize the principles, methods and techniques of Financial Management, in terms of investment, financial and operational management decisions..
- Analyse the financial statements with ratios systems and in particular: evaluation of sources and uses of funds, calculation of Share Capital, cash flow planning, forecasting of financial needs, estimation of liquidity and leverage levels of the company.
- Value the time value of money, evaluate and select investment plans, plan fundraising, understand key profit-sharing policies, identify critical financial risks, and assess the financial performance and growth prospects of the business.
- Gain theoretical and practical knowledge and tools for the formation of financial planning and the development of business plans.
Introduction to Programming
The aim of the course is to help students to:
- Understand the basic concepts around object-oriented programming
- Become familiar with the concept of algorithmic constructs and the use of computer and learn how to take advantage of those while developing skills and capabilities of structured programming.
Marketing on Shipping and Ports
The aim of the course is to help students to:
- Understand the concepts of Marketing and its operation in modern business.
- Know the techniques and tools for promoting the product / service of the company.
- Understand the importance of business interaction and communication with the market.
The aim of the course is to help students to:
Understand the marine (ocean) environment from a physical, chemical, biological, geological and operational point of view.
Understand the specifics and the critical role of ocean systems.
Port Planning and Policy
The aim of the course is to help students to:
- The principles of port planning and ways to achieve more effective and efficient port management.
- The models of port governance and the planning and implementation of private sector participation in port operations.
- The specifics of particular port markets, and the specialized needs associated with them
- The dimensions of port policies at port level as well as at national and supranational levels, with an emphasis on Greek and European port policy.
Shipping Accounting
The aim of the course is to help students to:
- Specialize their knowledge of Financial Accounting in the field of shipping companies.
- Understand the accounting peculiarities of shipping companies which arise either from the accounting regulations or from the nature of the shipping companies.
- They delve into the relevant accounting concepts (revenues from charters, time charters, bill of lading, freight and freight rates, revenues and expenses from special terms of charter agreements, ship operating costs, travel expenses, etc.).
- Understand the different legal forms of shipping companies and how to tax them.
Shipping Market Analysis
The aim of the course is to help students to:
- Understand the specifics of the shipping markets, their intense internationalization and the factors that affect them.
- Understand the supply and demand of shipping services, the factors that shape them and their cyclical and seasonal fluctuations.
- Understand the necessity of the analysis of the shipping markets that allows the identification of opportunities but also risks.
6th Semester
The aim of the course is to help students to:
- Identify, describe, and evaluate the specific characteristics of charter agreements (the agreements included in chartering for transport costs, as well as agreements on the sharing of risks arising during loading, transport and unloading operations).
- Acquire and combine the necessary theoretical knowledge and the required familiarity with the different types of charter agreements.
Coastal zones and marine environment management
The aim of the course is to help students to:
- Understand the role of Management in the wider area of the Coastal Zone.
- Understand the need to address environmental impacts.
- Understand the scope of environmental issues and their impact on decision making.
- Familiarize themselves with the institutional framework governing maritime activities and determine the issues of marine ecosystem protection.
The aim of the course is to help students to:
- Understand databases as a basic tool in the computer science field, with application in a wide spectrum of business fields.
- Build a strong foundation of basic concepts related to relational databases and the rules to design them.
- Study and develop open-source database systems (investigating their operation in problem solving laboratory exercises).
- Practically exercise, implement and organize basic database schemes focused on shipping sector companies.
Greece in the International System, 20th Century
The aim of the course is to help students to:
- Understand Greece’s orientation in the international system and the ways it was developed from the Balkan Wars until the end of the Cold War.
- Explain Greece’s participation in the international organizations (peripheral and world wars, Cold War, League of Nations, United Nations, EEC, NATO, WTO etc.).
- Interrelate national geography, especially its maritime dimension with Greece’s participation in global affairs.
- Comprehend the interrelations between Greece’s economic development and its orientation in the international system.
Human Resource Management
The aim of the course is to help students to:
- To present the main theoretical knowledge in the modern Human Resources Management in the context of the modern business / administrative “becoming”.
- Provide them with the basic “tools” for dealing with theoretical and practical problems that arise.
Intermodal Transportation
The aim of the course is to help students to:
- Acquire general and specialized interdisciplinary knowledge for the design and operation of combined transport and alternative forms of integrated networks organization.
- Understand the main elements and factors of intermodal transport, and the means of transport and loading.
- Identify the infrastructure required for combined transport, as well as the equipment and technologies that are necessary for their operation.
- Evaluate the characteristics and competitiveness of the different elements of combined transport.
Shipping Finance
The aim of the course is to help students to:
- Understand the particular characteristics of maritime financial management, which are linked to the complex operations of the shipping company and its international action..
- Understand the high volatility of the shipping company ‘s financial figures, especially in terms of fare revenues and ship prices.
- Estimate the sharp fluctuations in the cash flows of shipping investments, which require significant capital but also involve high uncertainty.
- Manage the raising of funds by controlling the associated costs, for the smooth financing of the operations and the strengthening of the development prospects of the shipping company..
- Delve into the critical operational and financial risks of shipping companies and their effective management.
7th Semester
Management Information Systems
The aim of the course is to help students to:
- Understand the concepts related to Management Information Systems and how these systems have been shaped today with the support of technological development..
- Understand the role and importance of modern Management Information Systems in making rational decisions, understanding that timely and valid information is key to making such decisions.
Marine pollution management
The aim of the course is to help students to
- Examine the effects of shipping and ports on the quality of marine environment (ballast transport of non-indigenous species, leaks fuel and cargo, etc.).
- Familiarize with actions and techniques aiming at reducing marine pollution and minimizing the footprint of maritime activities in the marine environment.
Money and Capital Markets
The aim of the course is to help students to
- Gain solid knowledge in fundamental principles, concepts, structure, characteristics and functions of domestic and international money and capital markets.
- Critically compare efficient modern applications of dynamic financial, products, technologies, and institutions.
- Determine significant differences between money and capital market operations and objectives, market players, methods, and instruments of fund raising and investment strategies.
- Understand and explain the role, operations and core pillars of international financial architecture, including the banking system, capital (equity-bond) markets, forward markets, inter alia.
- Identify critical factors of financial return and risk in efficient portfolio management strategies.
Shipping and Terminal Operations Management
The aim of the course is to help students to
- Learn the basic aspects of operations, management, service delivery procedures and measure the efficiency of port and terminal stations.
- Know the different types of terminals, depending on the different types of cargo.
- Understand current developments in the use of optimized management techniques, state-of-the-art equipment, as well as port and terminal support information systems.
Shipping, Environmental Politics and International Relations
The aim of the course is to help students to
- Comprehend essential perspectives of environmental politics.
- Analyze central international developments regarding environmental problems.
- Comprehend basic aspects of environmental maritime politics in the context of global politics.
8th Semester
Blue Growth and Sustainability
The aim of the course is to help students to:
- Discern and evaluate the necessity of long-term strategy for supporting ocean and maritime sustainability.
- Evaluate and explain methods and actions in national, European and global level, which aim at blow growth and preservation of sustainability of maritime resources.
Business Plans
The aim of the course is to help students to
- Understand the nature of business decisions and the methods of making such decisions.
- Identify planning and decision-making aids.
- Understand the meaning of the business plans and the methodology to prepare them.
EU Maritime Transport Policy
The aim of the course is to help students to
- Know the major European Union’s policies with a focus on the maritime sector and more specifically the shipping and port policies.
- Study the wider impacts of the European Union integration on the transport sector as well as on the shipping and port related policies.
- Deeply understand the major effects of the wider initiatives and developments at a European Union level regarding the competitiveness of the transport systems.
Risk Management with Shipping Derivatives
The aim of the course is to help students to
- Gain solid knowledge on the concept to risk, types of risk and relevant calculation methods, as it is a critical component of entrepreneurial decisions.
- Identify distinguished types of risk associated with shipping and port company business activities running in a highly volatile economic environment.
- Develop practical skills in dynamic models, methods, and instruments to manage risk exposures effectively, focusing on the maritime sector.
- Familiarize with the concepts and practical uses of financial derivatives (futures, options) as risk management tools in the shipping markets, especially shipping derivatives (to hedge against freight rate and vessel price volatility shifts).
Waste Management: Technologies and Policies
The aim of the course is to help students to
- Discern and explain the effects of shipping and the produced solids and liquids in the quality of sea and atmospheric environment with an emphasis on current issues that correspond to shipping (atmospheric pollution and greenhouse effect, vessel dissolution, sewage, pollution from load leaks etc.)
- Evaluate the necessity of implementing policy contexts that ensure rational management of solid and liquid sewage.